Monday, 30 September 2013

To the beat of the drum!

This evening I went with Carmen, Andrea and Ema to watch a local drum group called Caracu Quemao.

They practice twice a week, once on a Tuesday and once on a Sunday and we were lucky enough to catch tonights rehearsal!

At first they heated the drums using fire as this made for a better sound. They then took to the streets of Colonia playing through the town as passers by stood and admired their performance...some even followed them through the town. Not only were there drums but there were also dancers dancing infront to the beat if the drums.

The performance ended in the historical part of the town and it made for a perfect picture to end such a great day.

Caracu Quemao aren't the only group to do this. There a several drum and dancing groups in Colonia and they rehearse in preparation for the Las Llamadas festival in January and the carnival in Feburary. At these events there are competitions between the groups and winners are announced. This is taken very seriously and the best groups often get invited to weddings in the town.

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