We have looked at the successes of the project and how we can improve this is the future. The impact it has had directly of the life's of young people and the inspiration it has created.
Not only was appearing on the channel an interesting experience, but for a Film and TV graduate like me it is was like being in a toy shop. I visited the gallery and walked around the small studio that had several different sets all build in, pulled out of walls and ceilings. Through all of this what surprised me most was that there was only three members of the team visible, 1 the presenter, 1 operating 3 cameras and 1 on vision mix. I wanted to know more about why this television studio wasn't packed full of young volunteers and luckily for me the director of the company agreed to meet with me.
I met Tobias Wiens the founder of the TV station. He was a young man who told me that him and his brother started the channel Cristal six month ago as they both have an interest in this field. We spoke about the different programming that they conduct here and together tried to explore any future projects our two organisations can work on together in the future. Tobias tells me that there are no qualifications or areas of studies available here in Cuidad del Este for young people interested in film. For this reason they travel to Brazil. He hopes that over the next few months they will be ready to receive young people interested in this field, and I agree that this is something we can explore together.
Overall I greatly enjoyed my time visiting Cristal studios, I wish I had found it sooner. I very much hope that in the future we can create a community project using film which benefits and develops both our culture and young people.
P.S. I had great fun pretending to be an on the scenes reporter hehe :)
Ha ha fantastic, Amy home from home!