Thursday, 3 October 2013

To good health...

Today I visited a rural school in Colonia. At the school there was a health van equipped with a mobile dental practice inside...and a dentist of course! The idea was to promote healthy living. The dentist delivered a fun talk to the children explaining what foods are good for your teeth and what are not and why. He also demonstrated what brushing techniques should be used using a giant set of teeth and a toothbrush, much to the amusement of the children!

In the rural areas children don't get the opportunity to have regular dental checkup's and so after the talk the children were invited to step inside the van and have their teeth checked. This is a local government project in its first year. The van aims to go to each rural school and begin a monitoring scheme for each child.

In the afternoon we went to the Manuel Lobo centre and attended a talk being delivered by medical staff to young people. It was more of an informal chat and the young people discussed issues surrounding drug abuse and smoking. It was evident that the young people were not aware of the severe detrimental effects these 'social activities' have on your health. Over the past 3 years the local government has tried to combat this and todays talk is an example of how.

The doctor also encouraged the young people to aim for milestones in their lifetimes. He stressed the importance of having ambitions and the positive effects this can have on your health and wellbeing when these ambitions are achieved. For example he encouraged the young people to carry on with their studies, get a job, learn to drive and maybe buy a house.

The doctor and nurse arrived today in a bus donated to the government by the Buquebus company. It has been converted into a mobile practice and kitted out with an examination bed, weighing scales, stethascopes, steralisation fridges and more. Its concept is not that disimilar to that of the mobile dental van, providing health care to those living in the rural areas of Colonia.

Tonight I am going to a party and after todays activities you can be sure that we shall toast to good health! Salud!

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